                            (function() {
                                'use strict';
                                if (CKEDITOR.plugins.get('ae_placeholder')) {
                                 * CKEditor plugin which allows adding a placeholder to the editor. In this case, if there
                                 * is no content to the editor, there will be hint to the user.
                                 * @class CKEDITOR.plugins.ae_placeholder
                                 * Specifies the placeholder class which have to be aded to editor when editor is not focuced.
                                 * @attribute placeholderClass
                                 * @default ae_placeholder
                                 * @type String
                                    'ae_placeholder', {
                                         * Initialization of the plugin, part of CKEditor plugin lifecycle.
                                         * The function registers a 'blur' and 'contentDom' event listeners.
                                         * @method init
                                         * @param {Object} editor The current editor instance
                                        init: function(editor) {
                                            editor.on('blur', this._checkEmptyData, this);
                                            editor.on('focus', this._removePlaceholderClass, this);
                                            editor.once('contentDom', this._checkEmptyData, this);
                                         * Removes any data from the content and adds a class,
                                         * specified by the "placeholderClass" config attribute.
                                         * @protected
                                         * @method _checkEmptyData
                                         * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.event} editor event, fired from CKEditor
                                        _checkEmptyData: function(event) {
                                            var editor = event.editor;
                                            var editorNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(editor.element.$);
                                            if (editor.getData() === '') {
                                         * Remove placeholder class when input is focused
                                         * @protected
                                         * @method _removePlaceholderClass
                                         + @param {CKEDITOR.dom.event} editor event, fired from CKEditor
                                        _removePlaceholderClass: function(event) {
                                            var editor = event.editor;
                                            var editorNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(editor.element.$);