(function () {
'use strict';
* The main editor UI class manages a hierarchy of widgets (toolbars and buttons).
* @uses WidgetExclusive
* @uses WidgetFocusManager
* @class UI
var UI = React.createClass({
mixins: [AlloyEditor.WidgetExclusive, AlloyEditor.WidgetFocusManager],
// Allows validating props being passed to the component.
propTypes: {
* Localized messages for live aria updates. Should include the following messages:
* - noToolbar: Notification for no available toolbar in the editor.
* - oneToolbar: Notification for just one available toolbar in the editor.
* - manyToolbars: Notification for more than one available toolbar in the editor.
* @property {Object} ariaUpdates
ariaUpdates: React.PropTypes.object,
* The editor instance where the component is being used.
* @property {Object} editor
editor: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
* The delay (ms), after which key or mouse events will be processed.
* @property {Number} eventsDelay
eventsDelay: React.PropTypes.number,
* The toolbars configuration for this editor instance
* @property {Object} toolbars
toolbars: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
* Lifecycle. Invoked once before the component is mounted.
* @method getInitialState
getInitialState: function() {
return {
hidden: false
* Lifecycle. Returns the default values of the properties used in the widget.
* @method getDefaultProps
* @return {Object} The default properties.
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
circular: true,
descendants: '[class^=ae-toolbar-]',
eventsDelay: 0,
keys: {
next: 9
* Lifecycle. Invoked once, only on the client, immediately after the initial rendering occurs.
* @method componentDidMount
componentDidMount: function () {
var editor = this.props.editor.get('nativeEditor');
editor.on('editorInteraction', this._onEditorInteraction, this);
editor.on('actionPerformed', this._onActionPerformed, this);
editor.on('key', this._onEditorKey, this);
// Set up events for hiding the UI when user stops interacting with the editor.
// This may happen when he just clicks outside of the editor. However,
// this does not include a situation when he clicks on some button, part of
// editor's UI.
// It is not easy to debounce _setUIHidden on mousedown, because if we
// debounce it, when the handler is being invoked, the target might be no more part
// of the editor's UI - onActionPerformed causes re-render.
this._mousedownListener = function (event) {
this._keyDownListener = CKEDITOR.tools.debounce(function(event) {
}, this.props.eventsDelay, this);
document.addEventListener('mousedown', this._mousedownListener);
document.addEventListener('keydown', this._keyDownListener);
* Lifecycle. Invoked immediately after the component's updates are flushed to the DOM.
* Fires `ariaUpdate` event passing ARIA related messages.
* Fires `editorUpdate` event passing the previous and current properties and state.
* @method componentDidUpdate
componentDidUpdate: function (prevProps, prevState) {
var domNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
var editor = this.props.editor.get('nativeEditor');
if (domNode) {
editor.fire('ariaUpdate', {
message: this._getAvailableToolbarsMessage(domNode)
editor.fire('editorUpdate', {
prevProps: prevProps,
prevState: prevState,
props: this.props,
state: this.state
_getAriaUpdateTemplate: function(ariaUpdate) {
if (!this._ariaUpdateTemplates) {
this._ariaUpdateTemplates = {};
if (!this._ariaUpdateTemplates[ariaUpdate]) {
this._ariaUpdateTemplates[ariaUpdate] = new CKEDITOR.template(this._getAriaUpdates()[ariaUpdate]);
return this._ariaUpdateTemplates[ariaUpdate];
* Returns the templates for ARIA messages.
* @protected
* @method _getAriaUpdates
* @return {Object} ARIA relates messages. Default:
* {
* noToolbar: AlloyEditor.Strings.ariaUpdateNoToolbar,
* oneToolbar: AlloyEditor.Strings.ariaUpdateOneToolbar,
* manyToolbars: AlloyEditor.Strings.ariaUpdateManyToolbars
* }
_getAriaUpdates: function() {
return this.props.ariaUpdates || {
noToolbar: AlloyEditor.Strings.ariaUpdateNoToolbar,
oneToolbar: AlloyEditor.Strings.ariaUpdateOneToolbar,
manyToolbars: AlloyEditor.Strings.ariaUpdateManyToolbars
* Returns an ARIA message which represents the number of currently available toolbars.
* @method _getAvailableToolbarsMessage
* @protected
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} domNode The DOM node from which the available toolbars will be retrieved.
* @return {String} The ARIA message for the number of available toolbars
_getAvailableToolbarsMessage: function(domNode) {
var toolbarsNodeList = domNode.querySelectorAll('[role="toolbar"]');
if (!toolbarsNodeList.length) {
return this._getAriaUpdates().noToolbar;
} else {
var toolbarNames = Array.prototype.slice.call(toolbarsNodeList).map(function(toolbar) {
return toolbar.getAttribute('aria-label');
var ariaUpdate = toolbarNames.length === 1 ? 'oneToolbar' : 'manyToolbars';
return this._getAriaUpdateTemplate(ariaUpdate).output({
toolbars: toolbarNames.join(',').replace(/,([^,]*)$/, ' and ' + '$1')
* Lifecycle. Invoked immediately before a component is unmounted from the DOM.
* @method componentWillUnmount
componentWillUnmount: function() {
if (this._mousedownListener) {
document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._mousedownListener);
if (this._keyDownListener) {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', this._keyDownListener);
* Lifecycle. Renders the UI of the editor. This may include several toolbars and buttons.
* The editor's UI also takes care of rendering the items in exclusive mode.
* @method render
* @return {Object} The content which should be rendered.
render: function() {
if (this.state.hidden) {
return null;
var toolbars = Object.keys(this.props.toolbars).map(function(toolbar) {
return AlloyEditor.Toolbars[toolbar] || window[toolbar];
toolbars = this.filterExclusive(toolbars).map(function(toolbar) {
var props = this.mergeExclusiveProps({
config: this.props.toolbars[toolbar.key],
editor: this.props.editor,
editorEvent: this.state.editorEvent,
key: toolbar.key,
onDismiss: this._onDismissToolbarFocus,
selectionData: this.state.selectionData
}, toolbar.key);
return React.createElement(toolbar, props);
return (
<div className="ae-toolbars" onKeyDown={this.handleKey}>
* Listener to the editor's `actionPerformed` event. Sets state and redraws the UI of the editor.
* @protected
* @method _onActionPerformed
* @param {SynteticEvent} event The provided event
_onActionPerformed: function(event) {
var editor = this.props.editor.get('nativeEditor');
itemExclusive: null,
selectionData: editor.getSelectionData()
* Executed when a dismiss key is pressed over a toolbar to return the focus to the editor.
* @protected
* @method _onDismissToolbarFocus
_onDismissToolbarFocus: function() {
var editor = this.props.editor.get('nativeEditor');
* Listener to the editor's `userInteraction` event. Retrieves the data about the user selection and
* provides it via component's state property.
* @protected
* @method _onEditorInteraction
* @param {SynteticEvent} event The provided event
_onEditorInteraction: function(event) {
editorEvent: event,
hidden: false,
itemExclusive: null,
selectionData: event.data.selectionData
* Focuses on the active toolbar when the combination ALT+F10 is pressed inside the editor.
* @protected
* @method _onEditorKey
_onEditorKey: function(event) {
var nativeEvent = event.data.domEvent.$;
if (nativeEvent.altKey && nativeEvent.keyCode === 121) {
* Checks if the target with which the user interacted is part of editor's UI or it is
* the editable area. If none of these, sets the state of editor's UI to be hidden.
* @protected
* @method _setUIHidden
* @param {DOMElement} target The DOM element with which user interacted lastly.
_setUIHidden: function(target) {
var domNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
if (domNode) {
var editable = this.props.editor.get('nativeEditor').editable();
var targetNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.node(target);
var res = (editable.$ === target) || editable.contains(targetNode) ||
(new CKEDITOR.dom.element(domNode)).contains(targetNode);
if (!res) {
hidden: true
* Fired when component updates and when it is rendered in the DOM.
* The payload consists from a `message` property containing the ARIA message.
* @event ariaUpdate
* Fired when component updates. The payload consists from an object with the following
* properties:
* - prevProps - The previous properties of the component
* - prevState - The previous state of the component
* - props - The current properties of the component
* - state - The current state of the component
* @event ariaUpdate
AlloyEditor.UI = UI;