(function () {
'use strict';
var OOP = {
* Sets the prototype, constructor and superclass properties to support an inheritance strategy
* that can chain constructors and methods. Static members will not be inherited.
* @static
* @method extend
* @param {Function} receiver The class which will extend another class.
* @param {Function} supplier The class which will provide the properties the child class.
* @param {Object} protoProps Prototype properties to add/override.
* @param {Object} staticProps Static properties to add/overwrite.
* @return {Function} The extended class.
extend: function(receiver, supplier, protoProps, staticProps) {
if (!supplier || !receiver) {
throw 'extend failed, verify dependencies';
var supplierProto = supplier.prototype, receiverProto = Object.create(supplierProto);
receiver.prototype = receiverProto;
receiverProto.constructor = receiver;
receiver.superclass = supplierProto;
// assign constructor property
if (supplier !== Object && supplierProto.constructor === Object.prototype.constructor) {
supplierProto.constructor = supplier;
// add prototype overrides
if (protoProps) {
AlloyEditor.Lang.mix(receiverProto, protoProps);
// add object overrides
if (staticProps) {
AlloyEditor.Lang.mix(receiver, staticProps);
return receiver;
AlloyEditor.OOP = OOP;