(function() {
'use strict';
/* istanbul ignore if */
if(CKEDITOR.plugins.get('ae_buttonbridge')) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
function noop() {}
// API not yet implemented inside the button bridge. By mocking the unsupported methods, we
// prevent plugins from crashing if they make use of them.
// Some methods like `getState` and `setState` clash with React's own state methods. For them,
// unsupported means that we don't account for the different meaning in the passed or returned
// arguments.
//getState: function() {},
//setState: function(state) {},
toFeature: noop
var BUTTON_DEFS = {};
* Generates a ButtonBridge React class for a given button definition if it has not been
* already created based on the button name and definition.
* @private
* @method generateButtonBridge
* @param {String} buttonName The button's name
* @param {Object} buttonDefinition The button's definition
* @return {Object} The generated or already existing React Button Class
function generateButtonBridge(buttonName, buttonDefinition, editor) {
var ButtonBridge = AlloyEditor.Buttons[buttonName];
BUTTON_DEFS[editor.name] = BUTTON_DEFS[editor.name] || {};
BUTTON_DEFS[editor.name][buttonName] = BUTTON_DEFS[editor.name][buttonName] || buttonDefinition;
if (!ButtonBridge) {
ButtonBridge = React.createClass(
displayName: buttonName,
propTypes: {
editor: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
tabIndex: React.PropTypes.number
statics: {
key: buttonName
render: function() {
var editor = this.props.editor.get('nativeEditor');
var buttonClassName = 'ae-button ae-button-bridge';
var buttonDisplayName = BUTTON_DEFS[editor.name][buttonName].name || BUTTON_DEFS[editor.name][buttonName].command || buttonName;
var buttonLabel = BUTTON_DEFS[editor.name][buttonName].label;
var buttonType = 'button-' + buttonDisplayName;
var iconClassName = 'ae-icon-' + buttonDisplayName;
var iconStyle = {};
var cssStyle = CKEDITOR.skin.getIconStyle(buttonDisplayName);
if (cssStyle) {
var cssStyleParts = cssStyle.split(';');
iconStyle.backgroundImage = cssStyleParts[0].substring(cssStyleParts[0].indexOf(':') + 1);
iconStyle.backgroundPosition = cssStyleParts[1].substring(cssStyleParts[1].indexOf(':') + 1);
iconStyle.backgroundSize = cssStyleParts[2].substring(cssStyleParts[2].indexOf(':') + 1);
return (
<button aria-label={buttonLabel} className={buttonClassName} data-type={buttonType} onClick={this._handleClick} tabIndex={this.props.tabIndex} title={buttonLabel}>
<span className={iconClassName} style={iconStyle}></span>
_handleClick: function(event) {
var editor = this.props.editor.get('nativeEditor');
var buttonCommand = BUTTON_DEFS[editor.name][buttonName].command;
var buttonOnClick = BUTTON_DEFS[editor.name][buttonName].onClick;
if (buttonOnClick) {
} else {
editor.fire('actionPerformed', this);
AlloyEditor.Buttons[buttonName] = ButtonBridge;
return ButtonBridge;
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (!CKEDITOR.plugins.get('button')) {
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('button', {});
* CKEditor plugin that bridges the support offered by CKEditor Button plugin. It takes over the
* responsibility of registering and creating buttons via:
* - editor.ui.addButton(name, definition)
* - editor.ui.add(name, CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON, definition)
* @class CKEDITOR.plugins.ae_buttonbridge
* @requires CKEDITOR.plugins.ae_uibridge
* @constructor
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('ae_buttonbridge', {
requires: ['ae_uibridge'],
* Set the add handler for UI_BUTTON to our own. We do this in the init phase to override
* the one in the native plugin in case it's present.
* @method init
* @param {Object} editor The CKEditor instance being initialized
init: function(editor) {
editor.ui.addButton = function(buttonName, buttonDefinition) {
this.add(buttonName, CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON, buttonDefinition);
editor.ui.addHandler(CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON, {
add: generateButtonBridge,
create: function(buttonDefinition) {
var buttonName = 'buttonBridge' + ((Math.random() * 1e9) >>> 0);
var ButtonBridge = generateButtonBridge(buttonName, buttonDefinition);
return new ButtonBridge();